Friday, March 20, 2020

Freedom Road Essays

Freedom Road Essays Freedom Road Essay Freedom Road Essay 1. Gideon is afraid to go to Charleston because he is a â€Å"nigger†. He feels as though he is illiterate and not very smart he would not fit in. He would not want to go â€Å"to city full of white houses†¦ full of white folks making fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 16-17). To help him overcome that fear Brother Peter tells him they â€Å"need a leader† (p 17). Because of how strong Gideon is physically and mentally he was chosen to represent them. 2. To Brother Peter Gideon is a young man. Since he is a younger man he can learn more than he can;†Just fill you up, like bucket drawing water from the well. (p 19) He can show the white people that he is not ignorant. But Gideon felt as though they would just laugh at him â€Å"and mock this nigger† (p 19). Once Brother Peter told him â€Å"take that dollar and buy a book,† Gideon felt as though that he could go to the Convention and make a change. 3. Abner Lait was a tenant of the Carwell’s. He regar ded the â€Å"world suspiciously and uncertainly. † (p 32) He had a hard time growing his crops and when he had a good one Carwell took it. Abner Lait spent time in a Yankee prisoner camp after the battles with Carwell’s regiment. (p 32) Abner was a white man that hated black people in formal way. . I believe that Gideon was correct. Because he is black doesn’t not mean that he doesn’t know what to do with the money earned from the Convention. (p 85) And being black in the legislation and having an education was important but hard. (p 86) And he didn’t want to be remembered as the slave of the owner, so he decided to take a different last name. 6. I think that Fast wants us to perceive that Carwell has not changed. Even though Gideon has become a wiser man the people at Carwell are still the same. (p 99) The man that drove Gideon twenty miles to Carwell didn’t know about the Convention (p. 8) meaning that the Convention had an effect on ever yone else on society except for the people in Carwell. The same little events that have been happening have occurred just like any other time (p 98). 7. When Trooper daughter gets raped it makes Trooper retaliate in a bad way. He decided that killing the white men that raped his daughter would make her feel better. But Gideon told him that he will get himself hung and the time he spent at the swamp would have been unnecessary. (p 114) Gideon says, â€Å"evil bad things/ fade out slowly/ a nigger is lynched, a poor†¦ girl is mistreated/ they fade out slowly. (p 115) What he is trying to say is that the white people won’t remember how they got mistreated. Their future counts on them making the right decision. They would have created a new life (p 114) for themselves while working in the swamp and saving their money. I do agree with Gideon, because if Trooper would have retaliated against the two white men he would have ended his life. And would’ve been just another event that would fade away. And his life would be over and he would not be able to have a better life. 8. Isaac Went was a man that didn’t judge you based on your race. He treated you just as he would treat another man. While talking to Gideon he yelled and lost his temper as one man to another (p 134). Isaac believed that Gideon was just a man (p 134) and was just like any other average American. When Brown was sitting in the same seat that Gideon was sitting in, Issac Went, although he was atheist, believed that John Brown could make the people believe that they could fight with the help of the Lord (p 135). Mr. Went valued the power they had. He wanted the blacks to hold on to the fact that they weren’t in slavery anymore. â€Å"We got the power, and we mean to hold onto it. † 9. : Emery believed that Gideon had a fantastic scheme (p 137), but was placing money in a staggering land venture (p 137). He didn’t want to invest in a unknown quantity and quality (p 137). He felt as thought that if Went would invest in this he would be wasting his money (p 140). But Emery gave his companionship to Went when he invested fifteen thousand dollars (p 140). 10. While in Scotland Jeff worked with white people. He was the only black person in the county (p 174) so he did make a difference. The white people wanted to know all about Jeff (p 174 but they was scared. Their â€Å"fears and suspicions were basic things (p 174).

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Learn the History of Ice Hockey

Learn the History of Ice Hockey The origin of ice hockey is unknown; however, ice hockey probably evolved from the game of field hockey that has been played in Northern Europe for centuries. The rules of modern ice hockey were devised by Canadian James Creighton. In 1875, the first game of ice hockey with Creightons rules was played in Montreal, Canada.  This  first organized indoor game  was played at Victoria Skating Rink  between two nine-player teams, including  James Creighton  and several other  McGill University  students. Instead of a ball or bung, the game featured a flat circular piece of wood. The  McGill University Hockey Club, the first ice hockey club, was founded in 1877  (followed by the  Quebec Bulldogs  named Quebec Hockey Club and organized in 1878 and the  Montreal Victorias, organized in 1881). In 1880, the number of players per side went from nine to seven.  The number of teams grew, enough so that the first world championship of ice hockey was held at Montreals annual Winter Carnival  in 1883. The McGill team won the tournament and was awarded the Carnival Cup.  The game was divided into 30-minute halves. The positions were now named:  left and right wing,  center,  rover,  point and cover-point, and  goaltender. In 1886, the teams competing at the Winter Carnival organized the  Amateur Hockey Association of Canada  (AHAC) and played a season comprising challenges to the existing champion. Stanley Cup Origins In 1888, the  Governor-General of Canada,  Lord Stanley of Preston  (his sons and daughter enjoyed hockey), first attended the Montreal Winter Carnival tournament and was impressed with the game. In 1892, he saw that there was no recognition for the best team in Canada, so he purchased a silver bowl for use as a trophy. The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup (which later became known as the  Stanley Cup) was first awarded in  1893  to the  Montreal Hockey Club, champions of the AHAC; it continues to be awarded annually to the  National Hockey Leagues championship team.  Stanleys son Arthur helped organize the  Ontario Hockey Association, and Stanleys daughter  Isobel  was one of the first women to play ice hockey. Todays Sport Today, ice hockey is an Olympic sport and the most popular team sport played on ice. Ice hockey is played with two opposing teams wearing ice skates. Unless there is a penalty, each team only has six players on the ice rink at a time. The puck is a vulcanized rubber disk. The aim of the game is to knock the hockey puck into the opposing teams net. The net is guarded by a special player called the goalie. The first artificial ice rink (mechanically-refrigerated) was built in 1876, at Chelsea, London, England, and was named the Glaciarium. It was built near the Kings Road in London by John Gamgee. Today, modern ice rinks are kept clean and smooth by the use of a machine called the Zamboni. Fibreglass Canada worked with Canadiens Goalie Jaques Plante to develop the first-ever hockey goalie mask in 1960.